Changing Seasons

I like winter with its cool, crisp mornings. Spring reminds me the year is already rolling ahead much too quickly. I tend to get comfortable in whatever season I may be in and want to stay there. It gives me the illusion of control and safety. I know what to expect. I can get busy with work or life and prepare for a “someday I’ll do this next” dream without ever taking that final step to make it happen. Doing something different might change things. But isn’t that the idea?

If you read Joshua 1, it seems the Israelites were faced with a change of season. After growing and learning in the desert for 40 years, they were faced with entering the Promised Land. But they had a choice. They could continue to live as escaped slaves and wander in the desert, or they could claim the life God had for them in the Promised Land. The choice looked risky, though. Life was hard, but not terrible, in the desert. After all, God was with them leading and providing for them. But now they had a river to cross. They needed to step into it by faith and then conquer a people that was larger and better armed than they. God called them to move forward. What would have happened if they didn’t say yes?

God moves us through various seasons of our life and growth. And it’s important to seize upon each season, whether it’s a season of activity and conquering or a season of rest and restoration. There is blessing for us in each season, as long as we are in the place God has called us to for now. I just need to remember not to overstay the season.

What season are you in?

In what areas of life do you see change coming? Will you embrace or resist it?

Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. Joshua 1:2   

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