Learn with your Feet

Books and photography have made our world much smaller. And through movies and IMAX we can be virtually transported to distant lands, feeling as if we’ve actually been there. I remember seeing pictures of the Grand Canyon as a child with only fleeting interest before visiting and realizing it was more than just a big hole in the ground (sorry mom and dad). When I had an opportunity to hike to the bottom and back, I learned with more than my head. I discovered things I could never absorb from a book.

The ancient rabbis said that you don’t really know something unless you learn it with your feet. My teacher in Israel, RVL, had us hike the top of Masada. There is a tram we could have ridden but we understood more of that mountain fortress by climbing it. We glimpsed Herod’s lavishness at the expense of our Jewish brothers and sisters, who carried buckets of water up those dry and dusty paths to fill his pool. We have learned that shade is truly life-saving (God is your shade Psalm 121:5) and the Lord is my rock (Psalm 18:2) became a firm promise of His immovability and protection.

As much as I love to read and study the Bible, I’m thankful for another adventure to learn with my feet. Stay tuned in the coming weeks and please keep me in prayer. I can’t wait to share!

What you have learned with your feet?

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