Monthly Archives: December 2012

Taking it to the streets

We can learn something from the eastern, or rabbinic, form of teaching. The rabbis, who were masters of the text, God’s Word, led their students through life. The world is their classroom. And everything becomes a teachable moment. As the students “do life” with their rabbi, he teaches along the way. Children naturally connect truth with…
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Manger Fun

The picture you see here is a traditional manger, used today as in ancient times. It is not a wooden fixture like the one you might find in the crèche in your home, but rather cut from stone. Mangers are for holding water, not food like hay. Jesus, the living water, came to be with…
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It’s incomprehensible. God left heaven. For here. He gave up glory and majesty, omnipotence and omniscience. And subjected Himself to the limitations of a body and an earthly life within time. Yes, He was still fully God. But He emptied Himself for us. Almighty God, King of kings and Lord of lords. And now He…
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Our Christmas tradition

We noted recently that Christmas is not a Biblical holiday – it neither appears in the Bible nor are we instructed to observe a day honoring these events. As such, there is no right or wrong way to celebrate it. With that in mind, let's take a look at our traditions. When did it first show…
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